Friday 23 April 2010

We don't need no education...

I've always been a fan of kids...I loved playing with them when I was a volunteer at a pre-school during my high school years. I was amazed about the way they think, absorbed the surrounding enviroment. It always put a smile to my face and although I've been around children for some time, I was still frightened when even thinking about having to provide a lesson. But the big day came and I stood in front of the class with my head up high. I took a deep breath and thought, let's get on with it. I don't know what is was but the class turned out to be very cooperative. All the students were very engaged in the lesson and I before I knew it the lesson was over. I enjoyed this class and the all the others I had. I still have a few hours left of my teaching lessons to do so fingers crossed that they rest will not make me change my mind:)

Friday 19 March 2010

Women in politics - Dame Roma Mitchell

Choosing a female political figure that you most admire with little interest in the field of politics can be a tough one to tackle..but after doing a bit of research here and there I have finally found the one. Dame Roma Mitchell is the one whom I admire when it comes to politics.
Born in 1913, Adelaide, SA, Roma Mitchell was the daughter of a solicitor killed in the First World War. Her mother, who believed in tertiary education for women, put her through a law course at the University of Adelaide.She graduated in December 1934, and in February began as a barrister with an Adelaide law firm. During the 1930s she did much work in the field of domestic violence. At first, Mitchell says, her main aim was simply to be a good barrister. In 1962 she became the first Australian woman to be admitted as a Queen's Counsel. Then, in 1965, she became a judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia, the first woman in Australia to be appointed to that position. She also led a deputation of women seeking the right for women to serve as jurors. Among other appointments, Dame Roma has been Chairman of the Human Rights Commission, President of the Churchill Fellowship and Chancellor of the University of Adelaide. She was awarded the OBE in 1971 and in 1991 was appointed Governor of South Australia, again becoming the first woman in Australia to hold that post. Dame Roma Mitchell passed away in the year 2000, at the age of 87.
Dame Roma Mitchell may have not made a change to the world, but she added her five cents to the political system of Australia, allowing for women to also particpate in what used to seem like a field only for men.

Friday 12 February 2010

what I would do to be a child again..

I never really was the typical 'girly girl' when i was younger..I never liked wearing skirts or dresses and instead of playing with dolls I enjoyed cutting them into pieces:). I love the memories that I hold from my childhood, if only I could be that child for a day again, running around, playing softball, climbing trees and building tree houses. I can easily say that those years were the highlights of my life, not that I'm complaining about my life now:) It's also good..but it's stressful. I remember two particular people the most: Kat & Liz, they were my 'partners in crime', we were inseperable. We survived primary school and high school together, organizing our lessons so we could be in the same classes. If one wanted to participate in woodshop then the other two would go aswell even if they weren't at all interested. But now everything has changed, I've moved away and it's just not the same. Sure, we write to eachother at least once a month and there's fb that allows us to see what happening but i miss their presence. Hopefully I'll be able to see them in the next years to come!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Saturday 9 January 2010


I know i'm behind but hopefully i'll be able to catch up soon:D for now i'll just like to say hi to everyone and peace out:)